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Как установить скин на IPB 2.0.1


Объясните плиз как установить скин на IPB 2.0.1 ? Недавно обновил с 1.3, так там был тар архив и все понятно было, а щас все по другому :D
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для одаренных копипаст из скачанного скина ...


1. As always when you make changes to your board it is always a good idea to back up your database.


2. After you unzip the .zip file and you will see a number of folders. Find the emoticons folder and inside of that folder you will see a folder named eXtreme. If you wish to use our emoticons FTP the eXtreme folder to your style_emoticons folder on your server.


3. You will find a a number of .gz files in the "IPB 2.x " folder. Note where these are at, you will need to navigate to them from your IPB admin control panel.


4. Next, login to your Admin Control Panel. From the left menu click on "Skins and Templates" > "Skin Import/Export " > Go to the "Upload XML Template Set" > Navigate to your files on your hard drive that you just unzipped > Find the "ipb_skin-(yourskinname)(fix.xml.gz file > Choose that file and click the "Import XML File" button. You should see that the skin was imported. Now if your skin comes in both fixed and expanded versions repeat this step for the expanded version.


5. Now while in this same screen you will see right below where you just imported the XML templates an area for installing the images. Go to "Import Skin Images" > Navigate on your hard drive to the "ipb_images-(yourskinname).xml.gz > Click the "Import Skin Images" button. You should now see that the images were imported correctly.


6. If you now look at your forum you will see the skin as an option in your skin selection drop down at the bottom of the page. But we now need to tell the skin what image set to use (you will most likely see that the images for you skin are not yet showing up). Go to "Skins & Templates" > Skin Manager. You will now see all of your installed skin sets appear. Click on the link for you skin > Choose "Edit Settings" from the popup box that appears > Go to "Image Options" > For "Use image directory" choose the name of you skin from the drop down. If you wish to use our emoticons choose eXtreme from that drop down. > Click the "edit skin settings" button. >Repeat this step for all skins you have installed.


6.a If you have decided that you want to use our emoticons you will need to have uploaded them (in step 2). Now go to the Emoticons area in your Control Panel > Choose "Emoticon Manager" > You should see the eXtreme set > Click on that > You will have to manually add the icons you wish to use and also check the "clickable" box for all icons you want to be clickable.


If you wish to "OVERWRITE" your existing smilies and icons you can upload and overwrite those as well. To do this upload them into your "default" folder found in the "style_emoticons" folder on your server.

NOTE: This will OVERWRITE your existing smilies and icons. So it's a good idea to back up the originals first. All I did was hue shift the originals to match the skin better.

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я вот зааплоадил xml-и, меняю скин-и вот чаво вылезаит:


IPB WARNING [2] ipsclass::require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to access /home/users/p/profiprogramming/docs/forums/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_3/skin_global.php (Line: 1331 of /sources/ipsclass.php)

IPB WARNING [2] ipsclass::require_once(/home/users/p/profiprogramming/docs/forums/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_3/skin_global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory (Line: 1331 of /sources/ipsclass.php)

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А папка cacheid_3 создалась?

Если нет, читайте закрепленные темы в разделе по 2.1 про скины и safe mode.

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я вот зааплоадил xml-и, меняю скин-и вот чаво вылезаит:


IPB WARNING [2] ipsclass::require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to access /home/users/p/profiprogramming/docs/forums/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_3/skin_global.php (Line: 1331 of /sources/ipsclass.php)

IPB WARNING [2] ipsclass::require_once(/home/users/p/profiprogramming/docs/forums/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_3/skin_global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory (Line: 1331 of /sources/ipsclass.php)

Мне кажется, что Вы ошиблись форумом (если прочитать название этого форума внимательно, то можно увидеть, что этот форум посвящен линейки 2.0, а не 2.1).

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sM1Le, чем он ошибся ? Человек обновил до версии 2.0.1 , а не до версии 2.1 Все верно написал он, так что зря наказание

Не скинешь мне версию Invision Power Board линейки 2.0, где используется ipsclass (на вскидку — в тех версиях, которыми пользуюсь я, клиенты IBR и IPS, а также разрабатывает Matt, ipsclass стал использоваться в версиях линейки 2.1)?

И предупреждение выставлено не автору темы, который обновлялся с версии линейки 1.3 до версии 2.0.1.

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