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Если закрыть форум. То над логотипом появляется

limit set for this board. You will need to delete some of your currently saved messages from either your inbox, or your saved items folder.", cant_use_feature => "You are not allowed to use this part of the board", memid_too_long => "Your member Id field was too long", moderate_no_permission => "You do not have permission to carry out that function", too_many_img => "Sorry, but you have posted more images than you are allowed to", no_sub_id => "Sorry, we could not find that topic subscription", max_message_to => "That member's Personal Messenger box is full and is unable to accept any new messages.", error_not_registered => "Not Registered? ", username_long => "The username you entered was too long", memid_too_short => "Your member Id field was too short", sig_too_long => "Your signature is too long.", no_username => "You must enter a username", no_avatar_selected => "No avatar was selected, please go back and correct this error", incorrect_avatar => "Sorry, but that is not a valid avatar", avatar_invalid_url => "Sorry, but the URL you entered for your avatar was incorrectly formatted or the link is not valid.", rp_noname => "You must enter your name before we can send this report", illegal_img_ext => "Sorry, but you cannot use that file extension for an image tag", cannot_remove_dir => "You cannot remove that virtual directory", email_exists => "That email address cannot be used as it is already in our records", please_complete_form => "Please complete the form fully before submitting it", invite_no_email_f => "You must enter an email address for your friend", move_no_source => "No source forum was chosen", log_in => "Not Logged in?", data_incorrect => "One of the data fields contained the incorrect type of data, please double check the URL or data you entered into the form", ); ?>


Если открыть , то всё ок... что делать ? Как убрать это ?

вер. 2.1.7 RUS

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upd : Проблема решена.

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