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Докачка файлов и ограничение скорости.

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При остановки закачки файла или обрыве связи с интернетом приходилось скачивать файл с самого начала.

А если файлик весит не мало?


Некоторые улучшения. :)


Поправим один файлик, admin/applications/core/sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php

А именно, функцию showAttachment() (замените...)



	public function showAttachment( $attach_id )
	/* INIT */
	$sql_data = array();

	/* Get attach data... */
	$attachment = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'attachments', 'where' => 'attach_id='.intval( $attach_id ) ) );

	if( ! $attachment['attach_id'] )
		$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'attach_no_attachment', 10170 );

	/* Load correct plug in... */
	$this->type = $attachment['attach_rel_module'];

	/* Get SQL data from plugin */
	$attach = $this->plugin->getAttachmentData( $attach_id );

	/* Got a reply? */
	if( $attach === FALSE OR ! is_array( $attach ) )
		$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'no_permission_to_download', 10171, null, null, 403 );

	/* Got a rel id? */
	if( ! $attach['attach_rel_id'] AND $attach['attach_member_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] )
		$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'err_attach_not_attached', 10172, null, null, 403 );

	// Reset timeout for large attachments

	if ( @function_exists("set_time_limit") == 1 and SAFE_MODE_ON == 0 )
		@set_time_limit( 0 );

	if( is_array( $attach ) AND count( $attach ) )
		/* Got attachment types? */
		if ( ! is_array( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) )
			$attachtypes = array();

			$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'atype_extension,atype_mimetype', 'from' => 'attachments_type' ) );

			while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
				$attachtypes[ $r['atype_extension'] ] = $r;

			$this->registry->cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'attachtypes', $attachtypes );

		/* Show attachment */
		$attach_cache       = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes');
		$this->_upload_path = ( isset( $this->plugin->mysettings[ 'upload_dir' ] ) ) ? $this->plugin->mysettings[ 'upload_dir' ] : $this->attach_settings[ 'upload_dir' ];

        $file = $this->_upload_path . "/" . $attach['attach_location'];

		if( file_exists( $file ) and ( $attach_cache[ $attach['attach_ext'] ]['atype_mimetype'] != "" ) )
			$this->settings['download_resume'] = 1;
			$this->settings['download_max_speed'] = 50;

			$propsize = filesize( $file );

			if( $this->settings['download_resume'] ) {		
				if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] ) ) {			
					$range = $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'];
					$range = str_replace( "bytes=", "", $range );
					$range = str_replace( "-", "", $range );			
				} else {			
					$range = 0;			
				if( $range > $propsize ) $range = 0;		
			} else {			
				$range = 0;		

			if( $range ) {
				header( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . " 206 Partial Content" );
			} else {
				header( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . " 200 OK" );

			header( "Pragma: public" );
			header( "Expires: 0" );
			header( "Cache-Control:" );
			header( "Cache-Control: public" );
			header( "Content-Description: File Transfer" );
			header( "Content-Type: {$attach_cache[ $attach['attach_ext'] ]['atype_mimetype']}" );

			if( $this->settings['download_resume'] ) header( "Accept-Ranges: bytes" );				

			@ini_set( 'max_execution_time', 0 );

			if( $this->settings['download_max_speed'] > 0 ) $sleep_time = (8 / $this->settings['download_max_speed']) * 1e6;
			else $sleep_time = 0;		

			/* Update the "hits".. */
			$this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'update' => 'attachments', 'set' => "attach_hits=attach_hits+1", 'where' => "attach_id={$attach_id}" ) );

			// 	header( "Content-Type: {$attach_cache[ $attach['attach_ext'] ]['atype_mimetype']}" );
			/* Open and display the file.. */				
			if( $attach['attach_is_image'] )
				header( "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$attach['attach_file']}\"" );
				header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$attach['attach_file']}\"" );
				header( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" );	# Fix

			if( !ini_get('zlib.output_compression') OR ini_get('zlib.output_compression') == 'off' )
				//	header( 'Content-Length: ' . (string) ( $propsize ) );
				if( $range ) {					
					header( "Content-Range: bytes {$range}-" . ($propsize - 1) . "/" . $propsize );
					header( "Content-Length: " . ($propsize - $range) );
				} else {					
					header( "Content-Length: " . $propsize );				

			/** @link	http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-22011-wrong-way-to-handle-attachments-transfer/ */
			if ( function_exists('ob_end_clean') )
			if( function_exists('readfile') && ( (!$this->settings['download_resume']&&!$this->settings['download_max_speed']) OR $attach['attach_is_image'] ) )
				readfile( $file );
				if( $fh = fopen( $file, 'rb' ) )
					fseek( $fh, $range );
					while( ! feof( $fh ) )
						echo fread( $fh, 4096 );
						if ( function_exists('ob_get_length') AND function_exists('ob_flush') AND @ob_get_length() )
						usleep( $sleep_time ); # Fix NEO
					@fclose( $fh );
			/* File does not exist.. */
			$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'attach_file_missing', 10173 );
		/*  No permission? */
		$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'no_permission_to_download', 10174, null, null, 403 );



Можно так же вынести опции в админку...

			$this->settings['download_resume'] = 1;
			$this->settings['download_max_speed'] = 50;

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А нефиг отдавать через PHP.
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Чтобы считать злобных буратин, качающих твои файлы


А вообще отдавать большие файлы PHP это да...

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Да можно хоть права доступа проверять, правда тогда тоже придётся код менять. Если по минимуму, то можно редиректом обойтись.


P.S. У меня субъективное разделение всех проектов/админов на тех, кому это совсем не нужно и тех, кто и сам знает, как лучше сделать :)

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