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Computer Recycling


172 просмотра

What is Computer Recycling?

Computer recycling is the recycling or reuse of computers. It includes both finding another use for materials (such as donation to charity), and having systems dismantled in a manner that allows for the safe extraction of the constituent materials for reuse in other products.

TechnoCycle is your resource for technology recycling solutions. We recycle computers, electronics, and networking components from enterprise-level multinationals to the family PC.

TechnoCycle is the Houston computer recycling resource for businesses of all sizes. We are:

the Houston computer recycling company qualified by the stringent e-Stewards program

an EPA registered facility with a strict no landfill and no toxic export policy

small business and corporate friendly with free drop-offs and low cost pick-ups.


We service clients from:

Greater Houston Metropolitan Area



Port Arthur

Dallas/Fort Worth/Plano


San Antonio


We handle recycling and refurbishment of most kinds of technology and electronics. This includes (but is not limited to):

desktop computers



CISCO and networking equipment

phone systems


plasma and LCD displays

storage arrays

test equipment

most medical equipment


broadcast equipment and cameras


cell phones

SUN workstations and servers

IBM workstations, servers, RISC

. . . and most other electronics

TechnoCycle is committed to finding the right technology recycling solution for your needs. At TechnoCycle we do more than just computer disposal. We will liquidate, through resell or consignment, your surplus corporate IT assets for reuse. Obsolete computers and equipment are recycled according to our no landfill and no toxic export policy. We ensure that your sensitive data is protected by Department of Defense grade data destruction techniques. We are Houston’s ethical computer recycler.

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