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This plugin will add the possibility of uploading custom avatars in topics, which will appear next to the topic titles in the forum list. Below is a detailed overview list of the plugins 's settings and options.

Default Avatar:

  • You can set an image as default avatar for all topics at the plugin 's setting.

Avatar Upload:

  • You can upload an avatar to topics when you create a new topic and/or you can also upload the avatars directly at the topic list or at the topic view page.

Avatar Width&Height:

  • They both can be set from the plugin 's settings.


  • You can select the group(s) that you want to upload avatars to all topics. They can also change the current avatars.
  • An option for users to upload avatars to their own topics is also available.
  • You can also select  the forum(s) where you want to use avatars for topics.

Moderator Log:

  • Anytime someone uploads an avatar to a topic it will be logged in the Moderator Log page in your Admin Panel.

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