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Ошибка с английским лангпаком



поставил английский лангпак, но при попытке зайти в тему открывается белый экран с надписью:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /home/idmgroup/public_html/forum/lang/4/lang_topic.php on line 67

как с этим бороться?

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$lang = array (


'tt_link' => "Show the link to this post",

'tt_prompt' => "Manually copy the direct link to this post below to store the link in your computer's clipboard",



// new 1.2 B3 (RC1)


'tt_rating' => "Rating:",


// new in 1.2

'tt_warn'        => "Warn:",

'tt_warn_add'    => "Increase warn level",

'tt_warn_minus'  => "Decrease warn level",

'mm_title'       => "Multi-Moderation",

'mm_submit'      => "Go",

'pv_total_votes' => "Total Votes",

'new_poll_link' => "Attach New Poll",

'ac_title' => "Show Contact Card",

'to_open' => "Open Topic Options",

'to_close' => "Close Topic Options",

'show_emo' => "Show Smilies Pop Up Window",

'pl_show_results' => "Show Results",

'pl_show_vote' => "Show Vote Options",

'pic_attach_thumb' => "Attached Image (Click thumbnail to expand)",

'attached_file'  => "Attached File",

'qr_title' => "Fast Reply",

'qr_open'  => "Open Fast Reply Window",

'qr_hide'  => "Close Fast Reply Window",


'qr_submit' => "Add Reply",

'qr_more_opts' => "More Options",

'qr_closeit'  => "Close Fast Reply",

'qr_add_smilie' => "Enable Smilies",

'qr_add_sig'    => "Enable Signature",


// new in RC1


'b_back_to'  => "Back to",


// end


'SPLIT_TOPIC'  => "Split Topic",

'MERGE_TOPIC'  => "Merge Topic",

'TOPIC_HISTORY' => "View Topic History (Admin Option)",


'tt_title' => "Track this topic",

'tt_desc'  => "Receive email notification when a reply has been made to this topic and you are not active on the board.",


'ft_title' => "Subscribe to this forum",

'ft_desc'  => "Receive email notification when a new topic is posted in this forum and you are not active on the board.",


'av_title' => "Download / Print this Topic",

'av_desc'  => "Download this topic in different formats or view a printer friendly version.",


'active_users_detail'  => "%s Guests and %s Anonymous Users",

'active_users_title'   => "%s User(s) are reading this topic",

'active_users_members' => "%s Members:",


'go_new_post' => "Go to first unread post",

'edited_by'   => "This post has been edited by <b>%s</b> on %s",


// Хак Online-Offline.


$lang['M_On_T']          =  "<#S_PRE#> <font color='<#ON_COLOR#>'>Online</font>";

$lang['M_Off_T']         =  "<#S_PRE#> <font color='<#OFF_COLOR#>'>Offline</font>";

$lang['M_On_I']          =  "<br><#S_PRE#> <img src='<#ON_IMAGE#>' alt='<#U_NAME#> is Online'>";

$lang['M_Off_I']         =  "<br><#S_PRE#> <img src='<#OFF_IMAGE#>' alt='<#U_NAME#> is Offline'>";


// Хак Online-Offline. Конец.


'UNSUBBIT'   => "Unsubscribe all from topic",


EDIT_TOPIC     => "Edit Topic Title",

forum_jump     => "Forum Jump",

UNPIN_TOPIC     => "Unpin this Topic",

OPEN_TOPIC     => "Open this topic",

attach_hits     => "Number of downloads",

DELETE_TOPIC     => "Delete this topic",

topic_moved     => "This topic has moved, taking you to the correct forum",

pic_attach     => "Attached Image",

m_posts     => "Posts:",


multi_page_topic     => "Pages:",

snitch_geezer_to_a_copper     => "Report this post",

MOVE_TOPIC     => "Move this topic",

CLOSE_TOPIC     => "Close this topic",

// start oska modified pin first hack

'PIN_FIRST'     => "Pin First Post in this topic",

'UNPIN_FIRST'     => "Unpin First Post in this topic",

// end oska modified pin first hack

topic_page_h     => "Topic",

member_warn_level     => "Member Warn Level",

start_new_poll     => "Start a new poll",

m_joined     => "Joined:",

track_topic     => "Track this topic",

js_del_1     => "Are you sure you want to delete this message?",

please_log_in     => "You are not logged into this forum.",

js_del_2     => "Ok, no action has been taken",

start_new_topic     => "Start a new topic",

moderation_ops     => "Moderation Options",

RECOUNT     => "Rebuild Topic",

ip     => "IP",

reply_to_topic     => "Reply to this topic",

topic_stats     => "<#POSTS#> replies since <#START#>",

single_page_topic     => " ",

PIN_TOPIC     => "Pin this Topic",

'print'     => "Print this topic",

topic     => "Topic",

posted_on     => "Posted:",

attach_dl     => "Download attachment",

DELETE_POST     => "Delete Posts",

t_old     => "Next Oldest",

t_new     => "Next Newest",

forward     => "Email this topic",

m_group     => "Group:",

'back_top'              =>  "Back to top",

'member_no'             =>  "Member No.:",

'd_download'  => "Downloads:",

'd_upload' => "Submissions:",

'd_no_upload' => "0",

'd_no_download' => "0",

//UBBC Mod Start

'link_profile'          => "Profile",

//UBBC Mod End




вот такой он у меня, в комплекте с русифицированной версией 1.3.. подскажите что именно в нем не так?

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в этом

$lang['M_On_T']          =  "<#S_PRE#> <font color='<#ON_COLOR#>'>Online</font>";

$lang['M_Off_T']      =  "<#S_PRE#> <font color='<#OFF_COLOR#>'>Offline</font>";

$lang['M_On_I']          =  "<br><#S_PRE#> <img src='<#ON_IMAGE#>' alt='<#U_NAME#> is Online'>";

$lang['M_Off_I']      =  "<br><#S_PRE#> <img src='<#OFF_IMAGE#>' alt='<#U_NAME#> is Offline'>";


должно быть

'M_On_T' => "<#S_PRE#> <font color='<#ON_COLOR#>'>Online</font>",

'M_Off_T' => "<#S_PRE#> <font color='<#OFF_COLOR#>'>Offline</font>",

'M_On_I' => "<br><#S_PRE#> <img src='<#ON_IMAGE#>' alt='<#U_NAME#> is Online'>",

'M_Off_I' => "<br><#S_PRE#> <img src='<#OFF_IMAGE#>' alt='<#U_NAME#> is Offline'>",

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