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Как установить скин такого вида?



Доброго времени суток!

Подскажите плиз! Может кто-то уже сталкивался с такой проблемой... Скачал архив со скинами, распаковал, получилась папочка с двумя архивами и одним readme_first.html файлом. В readme_first.html файле описывается установка скина, цитирую:


Please read the LEGAL/Copyright info. here.


1. As always when you make changes to your board it is always a good idea to back up your database.


2. Unzip the .zip file and you will see a number of folders.


3. You will find a .tar file in the "Skin" folder. Upload the .tar file to your "archive in" directory with ftp.


4. Next, login to your Admin Control Panel. From the left menu click on "Skins and Templates" > "Import Skin Files" > Import the skin which you have uploaded into your "arhcive in" directory. If you get an error, try chmodding the "Skin" and the "Style_images" folders to 0777. To set this skin default, got to "Manage Skin Sets" > Blue_1 > Select 'yes' where it says "Set this skin as default?". Your new skin is now installed.


5.This step isn't important but is recommended if certain forums are moderated by a member or group. Go to "Languages" > "Manage Languages" > Edit You current language set in use. From the dropdown menu, select "lang_boards" and find the "ibf.lang.forum_leader". Simply delete the current words in the form field and that should do it.


If you wish to "OVERWRITE" your existing smilies and icons you can upload and overwrite those as well. To do this upload them into your "smilies" folder found in the "html" folder.

NOTE: This will OVERWRITE your existing smilies and icons. So it's a good idea to back up the originals first. All I did was hue shift the originals to match the skin better.




1. I have included the main .psd files for this style. You will need to have Photoshop to open these files. They are layered and editable and named pretty self explanatory. You can change buttons, some of the graphics, etc. Once you open them up you will see what exactly you can edit and change around.


HINT: If you want to make changes to the header for buttons are anything else you can open the file up in Image Ready and the slice guides that I used should be visible to you. That way you should get an exact slice guide to match how I sliced up the header area.



2. The .psd's are open source (READ legal section below). Meaning you may incorporate them into your actual website if you choose to do so. Basically use them however you wish on "your" site and "your" forum.



1. View the .readme file in the fonts folder. 


1. Basically there is not too much legal info.     


    a. You MUST leave the "Design © extremepixels.com"/or "vbulletin skin developed by: eXtremepixels" in tact (If you are using an old skin it will say vbskinz in place of eXtremepixels). If you wish to remove that statement you must purchase a copyright removal. You may do that here...


eXtremepixels owns the copyrights on the actual design. You can use it, hack it, and do what you wish with it. But, you may NOT redistribute any of the .psd files or Style files. You may not resell the style or graphics. You may only use these files for ONE DOMAIN. If you run these skins/files on more than ONE DOMAIN you need to purchase a SECOND license. If you ordered this for a client email me at [email protected] and I'm sure I can work out a sweet deal for you.


    b. Since the .psd's are limited open source to you, you can change them and use them on your actual website (not just for your forum). So if you want to make your website fit the forum go for it.



2. That's it. Help spread the word and send me your comments. Hope you enjoy this skin!


Thanks: If you enjoy your skin and are pleased please let me know here.

Bob (pank)-

Owner/CEO- eXtremepixels LLC

Делаю всё как и описано - загружаю архив на сервер (пробовал и в созданную мной папку archive_in и в корень), захожу в админцентр и выполняю Import Skin Templates (пробовал устанавливать и с архива лежащего на сервере и указывая путь к файлу на диске). В ответ форум пишет:

The XMLarchive import doesn't appear to be valid - please check the file and try again.

И действительно, XML файла внутри архива попросту нет...

Что это за скины такие и как же мне их всё-таки установить? Если кто знает - подскажите плиз - ну очень нужен именно этот скин!

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