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Древовидный режим



при установке древовидного режима вылезает ошибка:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /usr/home/pain/forum.vluki.net/sources/lib/func_topic_threaded.php on line 521 ( http://www.forum.vluki.net/index.php?showt...entry6734 ) когда поставил вид отображения форума древовидный. Теперь вообще ни одну тему не прочитать вылетает такое.

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броблема не в куках точно, это у всех узеров.


в файле всего 521 строка


вот его последний кусок:

function post_get_children($root_id, $ids=array())
	if ( is_array($this->structured_pids[ $root_id ]) )
		foreach( $this->structured_pids[ $root_id ] as $id => $pid )
			$ids[] = $pid;

			$ids = $this->post_get_children( $pdaid, $ids );

	return $ids;



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PAIN2, куки чиститть для того чтобы не было такого:

Теперь вообще ни одну тему не прочитать вылетает такое.


видимо какая-то модификация "натварила" делов.

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Приведенный вами тут код - идеальный.

В нулевом варианте этот файл имеет 522 строки в русской версии и 515 строк в английской.


Чтобы выявить потерю "точкузапятой" вы должны привести либо весь файл ссылкой сюда, либо хотя бы через приват...

По другому, вашу проблему, к сожалению - не решить.

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выложу сюда содердание файла, по моему в нем нет ничего конфицициального (или я ошибаюсь?)






if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )


print "<h1>Некорректный адрес</h1>Вы не имеете доступа к этому файлу напрямую. Если вы недавно обновляли форум, вы должны обновить все соответствующие файлы.";




class topic_display



# Global

var $ipsclass;


var $output = "";

var $html = "";

var $forum = array();

var $topic = array();

var $mem_titles = array();

var $mod_action = array();

var $poll_html = "";

var $parser = "";

var $mimetypes = "";

var $nav_extra = "";

var $mod_panel_html = "";

var $warn_range = 0;

var $warn_done = 0;

var $pfields = array();

var $pfields_dd = array();

var $md5_check = "";

var $post_count = 0;

var $cached_members = array();

var $pids = array();

var $lib = "";

var $structured_pids = array();

var $post_cache = array();




// Register class



function register_class(&$class)


$this->lib = &$class;


$this->topic = $this->lib->topic;

$this->forum = $this->lib->forum;


$this->topic['SHOW_PAGES'] = "";





// Our constructor, load words, load skin, print the topic listing




function auto_run()



// Require and init topics.php



require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/action_public/topics.php' );


$this->lib = new topics();

$this->lib->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;





$this->topic = &$this->lib->topic;

$this->forum = &$this->lib->forum;


$this->topic['SHOW_PAGES'] = "";



// Checky checky



if ( ! $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )








// Print it



$this->topic['id'] = $this->topic['forum_id'];


$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.FORUM_RULES-->", $this->ipsclass->print_forum_rules($this->topic), $this->output );


// Pass it to our print routine



$this->ipsclass->print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $this->ipsclass->vars['board_name']." -> {$this->topic['title']}",

'JS' => 1,

'NAV' => $this->lib->nav,

) );





// Show the damned topic batman




function display_topic()



// Grab the posts we'll need



$query_type = 'topics_get_posts';


$first = intval($this->ipsclass->input['start']);

$last = $this->ipsclass->vars['threaded_per_page'] ? $this->ipsclass->vars['threaded_per_page'] : 250;


if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['custom_profile_topic'] == 1 )


$query_type = 'topics_get_posts_with_join';




// GET meh pids



if ( $first > 0 )


// we're on a page, make sure init val is there


$this->pids[0] = $this->topic['topic_firstpost'];

$this->structured_pids[ 0 ][] = $this->topic['topic_firstpost'];



$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array (

'select' => 'pid, post_parent',

'from' => 'posts',

'where' => 'topic_id='.$this->topic['tid']. ' and queued != 1',

'order' => 'pid',

'limit' => array( $first, $last )

) );




while( $p = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )


$this->pids[] = $p['pid'];


// Force to be children of 'root' post


if ( ! $p['post_parent'] and $p['pid'] != $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )


$p['post_parent'] = $this->topic['topic_firstpost'];



$this->structured_pids[ $p['post_parent'] ][] = $p['pid'];




// Get post bodah



if ( count( $this->pids ) )


$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array (

'select' => 'pid, post, author_id, author_name, post_date, post_title, post_parent, topic_id, icon_id',

'from' => 'posts',

'where' => 'pid IN('.implode(',',$this->pids).')',

'order' => 'pid',

) );




while( $p = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )


if ( ! $p['post_parent'] and $p['pid'] != $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )


$p['post_parent'] = $this->topic['topic_firstpost'];



$this->post_cache[ $p['pid'] ] = $p;


$this->last_id = $p['pid'];





// Force root in cache



$this->post_cache[0] = array( 'id' => 1 );


$this->post_cache[$this->topic['topic_firstpost']]['post_title'] = $this->topic['title'];



// Are we viewing Posts?



$post_id = intval($this->ipsclass->input['pid']);


if($post_id && !in_array($post_id, $this->pids))


$this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'missing_files') );



$postid_array = array( 1 => $post_id );


if ( $post_id and $post_id != $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )


$parents = $this->post_get_parents( $post_id );


if ( count($parents) )


foreach( $parents as $p => $pid )


if ( $pid != $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )


$postid_array[] = $pid;






if ( count($postid_array) )



// Get root post and children of clicked



$this->used_post_ids = ','.implode( ",", $postid_array ).',';


$postid_array[0] = $this->topic['topic_firstpost'];


$this->ipsclass->DB->cache_add_query( $query_type, array( 'pids' => $postid_array, 'scol' => 'pid', 'sord' => 'asc') );





// Just get root



$this->ipsclass->DB->cache_add_query( $query_type, array( 'pids' => array( 0 => $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] ) ) );




// Attachment PIDS



$this->lib->attach_pids = $postid_array;



// Render the original post



$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_page_top( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 1 );





// Format and print out the topic list



$num_rows = $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows();


while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )


$return = $this->lib->parse_row( $row );


$poster = $return['poster'];

$row = $return['row'];



// Are we giving this bloke a good ignoring?



if ( $this->ipsclass->member['ignored_users'] )


if ( strstr( $this->ipsclass->member['ignored_users'], ','.$poster['id'].',' ) and $this->ipsclass->input['p'] != $row['pid'] )


if ( ! strstr( $this->ipsclass->vars['cannot_ignore_groups'], ','.$poster['mgroup'].',' ) )


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->render_row_hidden( $row, $poster );






$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->RenderRow( $row, $poster );


if ( ! $this->printed and $num_rows > 1 )


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_end_first_post( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 1 );

$this->printed = 1;




$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_end_outline( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ) );



// Sort out pagination



$total_replies = $this->topic['posts'];

$show_replies = count( $this->structured_pids) - 1;


$this->topic['threaded_pages'] = $this->ipsclass->build_pagelinks( array( 'TOTAL_POSS' => $total_replies,

'PER_PAGE' => $last,

'CUR_ST_VAL' => $this->ipsclass->input['start'],

'L_SINGLE' => "",

'BASE_URL' => $this->ipsclass->base_url."showtopic=".$this->topic['tid'],

'USE_ST' => 'start'

) );






$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->toutline_start_list();


$this->output .= $this->loop_get_children();


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->toutline_end_list($this->topic['threaded_pages']);


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->TableFooter( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 1, $this->ipsclass->return_md5_check() );





// Render kiddies



function loop_get_children($root_id=0, $html="" ,$dguide=-1)




if ( is_array( $this->structured_pids[ $root_id ] ) )


if ( count( $this->structured_pids[ $root_id ] ) )


$html .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->toutline_start_new_parent();


foreach( $this->structured_pids[ $root_id ] as $idx => $pid )


$html .= $this->render_list_row( $this->post_cache[ $pid ], $dguide );


$html = $this->loop_get_children( $pid, $html, $dguide );



$html .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->toutline_end_new_parent();




return $html;





// Parse row



function render_list_row( $post, $depth=0 )


$post['depthguide'] = "";


$this->ipsclass->vars['post_showtext_notitle'] = 1;


for( $i = 1; $i < $depth; $i++ )


$post['depthguide'] .= $this->depth_guide[ $i ];



// Last child?


if ( $depth > 0 )


$last_id = count($this->structured_pids[ $post['post_parent'] ]) - 1;


if ( $this->structured_pids[ $post['post_parent'] ][$last_id] == $post['pid'] )


$this->depth_guide[ $depth ] = '<img src="style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/spacer.gif" width="20" height="16">';

$post['depthguide'] .= '<img src="style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/to_post_no_children.gif" />';




$this->depth_guide[ $depth ] = '<img src="style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/to_down_pipe.gif">';

$post['depthguide'] .= '<img src="style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/to_post_with_children.gif" />';




if ( ! $post['post_title'] )


if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['post_showtext_notitle'] )


$post_text = $this->lib->parser->strip_all_tags( $post['post'] );


if ( strlen($post_text) > 50 )


$post['post_title'] = substr( $post_text, 0, 50 ).'...';

$post['post_title'] = preg_replace( "/?(\w+)?;?\.\.\.$/", '...', $post['post_title'] );




$post['post_title'] = $post_text;



if ( ! trim($post['post_title']) )


$post['post_title'] = 'RE: '.$this->topic['title'];





$post['post_title'] = 'RE: '.$this->topi

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