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Downloads Script 1.0.5


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у кого есть?


$lang = array(
# Global
'ds_title' => "Downloads",
'ds_user' => "User Name",
'ds_name' => "File Name",
'ds_tut' => "Tutorial Name",
'ds_sub' => "Submission",
'ds_version' => "Version",
'ds_license' => "License",
'ds_cat' => "Category",
'ds_cats' => "Categories",
'ds_author' => "Author",
'ds_submitter' => "Submitter",
'ds_summary' => "Short Description",
'ds_demo' => "Demo URL",
'ds_total' => "%s %s in total",
'ds_tutorial' => "Tutorial",
'ds_tutorials' => "Tutorials",
'ds_file' => "File",
'ds_files' => "Files",
'ds_subs' => "Submissions",
'ds_size' => "Size",
'ds_views' => "Views",
'ds_downloads' => "Downloads",
'ds_date' => "Date Added",
'ds_last_date' => "Last Updated:",
'ds_vote' => "Rating",
'ds_voting' => "%s out of 5, %s total votes",
'ds_stars' => "stars",
'ds_last_sub' => "Latest Submission",
'ds_last_info' => "Last Info",
'ds_post_in' => "In",
'ds_post_by' => "Submitted by:",
'ds_post_by_2' => "Submitted by %s on %s",
'ds_post_date' => "Updated",
'ds_ip_address' => "IP Address",
'ds_number' => "No.",
'ds_status' => "Status",
'ds_status_0' => "Normal",
'ds_status_1' => "Reported",

'ds_add' => "Add",
'ds_edit' => "Edit",
'ds_del' => "Delete",
'ds_empty' => "Empty",
'ds_resync' => "Resync",
'ds_submit' => "Submit",
'ds_close' => "Close",
'ds_hide' => "Hide",
'ds_reset' => "Reset Fields",
'ds_go' => "Go",
'ds_back' => "Go Back",

'ds_del_1' => "PLEASE CONFIRM: OK to proceed with delete? This action can not be undone, and there will be no further confirmation screens.",
'ds_del_2' => "OK, action cancelled!",
'ds_msg_long' => "The text you entered was too long.",
'ds_required' => "Please fill in the required fields *",
'ds_tt_link' => "Show the link to this item",
'ds_tt_prompt' => "Manually copy the direct link to this item below to store the link in your computer\'s clipboard",
'ds_click_edit' => "Click and hold to edit title",

'browse_ab' => "Browse by Alphabet:",
'no_select' => "No select",
'no_results' => "No results to display.",
'no_subcats' => "No subcategories found.",
'not_available' => "<em>Not available</em>",
'sel_opt_no' => "No",
'sel_opt_yes' => "Yes",
'bbcode_use' => "(<a href='java script:bbc_pop();'>BBCODE Enabled</a>)",

'sort_az' => "A-Z",
'sort_za' => "Z-A",
'sort_by_size' => "Order: File Size",
'sort_by_type' => "Order: File Type",
'sort_by_status' => "Order: File Status",
'sort_by_location' => "Order: File Location",
'sort_by_name' => "Order: Title",
'sort_by_cat' => "Order: Category",
'sort_by_date' => "Order: Date Added",
'sort_by_last_date' => "Order: Last Updated",
'sort_by_poster' => "Order: Submitter",
'sort_by_views' => "Order: Views",
'sort_by_downloads' => "Order: Downloads",

'pp_15' => "15 results",
'pp_25' => "25 results",
'pp_50' => "50 results",
'pp_75' => "75 results",
'pp_100' => "100 results",

'filter_none' => "Show All",
'filter_bulk' => "Bulk Files",
'filter_normal'	=> "Normal Files",
'filter_image' => "Image Files",

# Menu & Stats
'mn_stats' => "Statistics",
'mn_nav' => "Navigation",
'mn_add_file' => "Add New File",
'mn_add_tut' => "Add New Tutorial",
'mn_request' => "Add New Request",
'mn_menu' => "'s Menu",
'mn_favs' => "Your Favorites",
'mn_requests' => "Your Requests",
'mn_files' => "Your Files",
'mn_tuts' => "Your Tutorials",
'mn_modcp' => "Management",
'mn_points' => "Total Points: %s<br />",
'mn_bw_used' => "Bandwidth Used: %s",
'mn_bw_text' => ".. of %s/month bandwidth limitation",
'qs_stats' => "Downloads Statistics",
'qs_today' => "Today Submissions",
'qs_recent' => "Most Recent Submissions",
'qs_browse' => "Browse Submissions",
'qs_text' => "We have a total of <strong>%s</strong> submissions, <strong>%s</strong> comments in <strong>%s</strong> categories.<br />A total of <strong>%s</strong> unique members have submitted to our downloads database.<br />There have been <strong>%s</strong> logged downloads to date.",
'qs_new' => "The latest submission was <strong>%s</strong>, submitted by <strong>%s</strong> on <strong>%s</strong>.",
'qs_no_new' => "There is no file added.",
'active_total' => "%s users active in the past 30 minutes.",
'active_users' => "<strong>%s</strong> bots, <strong>%s</strong> guests, <strong>%s</strong> members and <strong>%s</strong> anonymous members.",

'stats_title_0' => "Last 10 Added Submissions",
'stats_title_1' => "Last 10 Updated Submissions",
'stats_title_2' => "Top 10 Rated Submissions",
'stats_title_3' => "Top 10 Viewed Submissions",
'stats_title_4' => "Top 10 Downloaded Submissions",
'stats_title_5' => "Top 10 Submissions in Downloads A Day",
'stats_title_6' => "Top 10 Submitters",
'stats_col_5' => "Votes",
'stats_col_6' => "Downloads A Day",

# Who Voted/Downloaded
'who_title_1' => "Viewing who voted",
'who_title_2' => "Viewing who downloaded",
'who_user' => "Member",

# Post Form
'sf_nav' => "Posting Form",
'sf_edit_title' => "Editing File",
'sf_name' => "Simply give your file a name.",
'sf_cat' => "Please choose a category for this file.",
'sf_summary' => "This is a short description of your file to be used on file listings (250 characters or less).",
'sf_desc' => "Long Description",
'sf_desc_text' => "This is a detailed description of your file. It will be shown on the view file.",
'sf_version' => "Give your file a version to help track of updated. (Should be of the format: 1.0.0)",
'sf_license' => "License Information",
'sf_license_opt' => "Select a license type",
'sf_license_text' => "Choose a license that will be applied to your file.",
'sf_price' => "Price (USD):",
'sf_price_text' => "Enter a price only if your file is Free to try.",
'sf_buylink' => "Buy Now Link:",
'sf_buylink_text' => "Provide a link to an ecommerce page where users may purchase your product.",
'sf_demo' => "Provide a URL to a demo of this file in action.",
'sf_image' => "Upload Screenshot",
'sf_url_select' => "File Location:",
'sf_url_status' => "<br />Status: %s | %s | %s",
'sf_url_view' => "View Link",
'sf_url_js' => "Restore",
'sf_url' => "URL to online file",
'sf_url_mirror'	=> "<strong>Mirror Download Links:</strong><br /><div class='forumdesc'>You can have multiple links per line.</div>",
'sf_upload' => "<u>OR:</u> Upload a new file from your computer",
'sf_img_select' => "Choose an existing file",
'sf_img_del' => "Update changes and also remove the old image <a href='%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>",
'sf_limited' => "Upload max filesize: <em><u>%s</u></em><br />Allowed file extensions:<br /><em><u>%s</u></em>",
'sf_add_click' => "Add File",
'sf_edit_click' => "Edit File",
'sf_added' => "The file has been added to our database",
'sf_added_q' => ", but will have to be approved by a staff member before it appears.",
'sf_edited' => "The file was successfully edited.",

'st_edit_title' => "Editing Tutorial",
'st_title' => "Title",
'st_cat_option' => "Assign to Category",
'st_add_click' => "Add Tutorial",
'st_edit_click' => "Edit Tutorial",
'st_added' => "The tutorial has been added to our database",
'st_edited' => "The tutorial was successfully edited.",

# Request
'sr_title' => "Title",
'sr_info' => "Other Info",
'sr_by' => "Request by",
'sr_on' => "Request on",
'sr_click' => "Add Request",
'sr_posted' => "Your request has been notified.",

# File Detail
'sd_nav' => "File Overview",
'sd_files' => "%s's Files",
'sd_tuts' => "%s's Tutorials",
'sd_findsubs' => "Find this member's submissions",
'sd_findposts' => "Find this member's posts",
'sd_findtopics' => "Find this member's topics",
'sd_addcontact' => "Add to contact list",
'sd_send_pm' => "Send a personal message",
'sd_send_email' => "Send an email",
'sd_clear_rate' => "Click to clear rating",
'sd_pick' => "pick",
'sd_click' => "Click Here",
'sd_topic_link' => "<strong>Support Topic</strong>",
'sd_price' => " to buy",
'sd_buy_link' => "Buy Now",
'sd_download' => "Download Now",
'sd_download_t' => "Download tutorial",
'sd_size' => "File Size:",
'sd_type' => "File Type:",
'sd_time' => "Estimate Download Times:",
'sd_time_1' => "%sh %sm %ss ",
'sd_options' => "Options",
'sd_subscribe' => "Subscribe to this item",
'sd_addfav' => "Add to your favorites",
'sd_email' => "Email link to friend",
'sd_print' => "Print current page",
'sd_print_page' => "Printable Version",
'sd_print_link' => "Click here to view this page in its original format",
'sd_report' => "Report link as broken",
'sd_reported' => "The link has been reported as broken.",
'sd_deleted' => "File deleted!",

'sd_dl_disc' => "You have chosen to download <em>%s</em> submitted by <em>%s</em><br />You must read and agree with the following disclaimer before downloading:<br /><ul><li>The product you have selected to download is provided to you as an accomodation and without any warranties, representations or gurantees of any kind, including, without limitation the warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.</li><li>Like any product, there is a risk of data loss or damage when used improperly or in untested environments or configurations. Accordingly, you should use the product in strict accordance with its documentation and only after making a successful backup of your data.</li><li>By using the product you express assume all risk of loss associated with any data loss or damage alledged to have been caused by the product.</li></ul>",
'sd_dl_desc' => "You have chosen to download %s submitted by %s",
'sd_dl_save' => "Right click and select 'Save Target <u>A</u>s...' to download",
'sd_dl_save_1' => "If your download does not start automatically after a few seconds, please",
'sd_dl_save_2' => "click here",
'sd_dl_save_3' => " or choose a mirror from the list below:<br />",
'sd_dl_btn_1' => "I agree and download",
'sd_dl_btn_2' => "I disagree",
'sd_dl_link_1' => "Back to category",
'sd_dl_link_2' => "Back to submission",
'sd_dl_error' => "You are not allowed to download the file.",
'sd_dl_exceed' => "You have already exceeded your maximum daily downloads. Please try again tomorrow.",
'sd_dl_trans' => "You have already exceeded your monthly file transfer (%s). Please try again next month, or contact the board administrator for further help.",
'sd_dl_require' => "You need at least %s of posts a day to download the file.",
'sd_dl_points' => "You'll need to make a total %s points or more to download the file. You may contact the board administrator to find out how to increase your point.",

# Favorites
'fav_remove' => "Remove from favorites",
'fav_added' => "Saved to your favorites.",
'fav_removed' => "Removed from your favorites.",

# Send Mail
'sm_nav' => "Sending an Email",
'sm_preview' => "Preview",
'sm_form' => "Mail Form",
'sm_name' => "Recipient's Name",
'sm_email' => "Recipient's Email",
'sm_email_tip' => "Separate with comma (Ex: add@ress.com, etc.)",
'sm_subject' => "Subject",
'sm_message' => "Your Message",
'sm_send_click' => "Send Message",
'sm_view_click' => "Preview",
'sm_sent' => "Email sent!",

# Comment
'cm_comments' => "Comments",
'cm_form_text' => "Add New Comment",
'cm_title' => "Short Headline (Optinal)",
'cm_add_click' => "Post Comment",
'cm_edit_click' => "Submit Changes",
'cm_added' => "Your comment has been posted.",
'cm_edited' => "The comment was successfully edited.",
'cm_deleted' => "The comment was successfully deleted.",

# Search
'search_text' => "Enter words to search...",
'search_click' => "Go",
'search_results' => "Search Results",
'search_redirect' => "Your search has been completed, please stand by as we take you to the search results.",

# Categories
'cat_sub' => "Subcategory",
'cat_select' => "Select a Category",
'cat_select_all' => "All Categories",
'cat_jump' => "Category Jump",
'cat_inside' => "Inside:",
'cat_protected' =>	"<em>Protected Category</em>",
'cat_mod_pin' => "Pin Items",
'cat_mod_unpin' => "Unpin Items",
'cat_mod_copy' => "Copy Items",
'cat_mod_move' => "Move Items",
'cat_mod_delete' => "Delete Items",
'cat_mod_approve' => "Set Visible (Approve)",
'cat_mod_unapprove' => "Set Invisible (Unapprove)",
'cat_mod_desc' => "Click to select this item for bulk moderation",
'cat_mod_click' => "With Selected",

'cat_pwd_title' => "Please enter the category password",
'cat_pwd_desc' => "<strong>This category is protected by a password.</strong><br />You must enter the correct password to gain access to this category. Please ensure that your browser is capable of storing temporary cookies.",
'cat_pwd_input' => "Category Password",
'cat_pwd_click' => "Proceed",
'cat_pwd_ok' => "You have been authorised to access this category.",

# Management
'mc_opt_title' => "Moderation Options",
'mc_opt_main' => "Management",
'mc_opt_other' => "Maintenance",
'mc_opt_files' => "File Manager",
'mc_opt_dirs' => "Directory Manager",
'mc_opt_cats' => "Category Manager",
'mc_opt_tuts' => "Tutorial Manager",
'mc_opt_request' => "View User's Requests",
'mc_opt_queue' => "View Queued Links",
'mc_opt_report' => "View Reported Links",
'mc_opt_topic' => "View Topics Listing",
'mc_opt_unlinked' => "View Unlinked Files",
'mc_opt_rebuild' => "Rebuild Categories",
'mc_opt_rebuild_t' => "Rebuild Topics",
'mc_opt_rebuild_n' => "Rebuild User Names",
'mc_opt_rebuild_p' => "Rebuild User Points",
'mc_opt_reset_p' => "Reset User Points",
'mc_opt_cleanout' => "Remove Searches",
'mc_opt_optimize' => "Optimize Tables",
'mc_opt_desc_1' => "This will recount files, tutorials and<br />the category last information for all categories.",
'mc_opt_desc_2' => "This will rebuild the post content<br />including BBCode and emoticons.",
'mc_opt_desc_3' => "This will reset the saved usernames<br />in file details, tutorials, comments, etc.<br />Useful if you've recently converted<br />or manually changed member's names.",
'mc_opt_desc_4' => "This will recount members points<br />based on their topics from the database.",
'mc_opt_desc_5' => "This will reset members points to 0.",
'mc_opt_desc_6' => "This will remove all recent searches<br />from the database.",
'mc_opt_desc_7' => "This will defragment MySQL's data files<br />for downloads script tables and reclaim<br />lost space. It is not necessary to optimize<br />tables that are showing no overhead.",

# File Manager
'mc_file_date' => "Date Modified",
'mc_status_normal' => "<font color='blue'>Normal</font>",
'mc_status_pending' => "<font color='#FF9900'>Pending</font>",
'mc_status_broken' => "<font color='red'>Broken</font>",
'mc_allbox' => "Select or un-select items",
'mc_check_click' => "Check Link(s)",
'mc_approve_click' => "Approve",
'mc_decline_click' => "Unapprove",
'mc_delete_click' => "Delete",
'mc_move_click' => "Move",
'mc_copy_click' => "Copy",
'mc_checked' => "Link(s) updated!",
'mc_approved' => "Succesfully approved!",
'mc_unapproved' => "Successfully unapproved!",
'mc_pinned' => "Succesfully pinned!",
'mc_unpinned' => "Successfully unpinned!",
'mc_moved' => "Successfully moved to the selected category!",
'mc_copied' => "Successfully copied to the selected category!",

# Directory Manager
'mc_fexp_nav' => "Contents of",
'mc_fexp_updir' => "Up One Level",
'mc_fexp_cat' => "To which category?",
'mc_fexp_path' => "Path to upload:",
'mc_fexp_path_text' => "Click any folder in the current folder to change upload path.",
'mc_fexp_file' => "File",
'mc_fexp_dir' => "Folder",
'mc_fexp_name' => "File/Folder Name",
'mc_fexp_perms' => "Perms",
'mc_fexp_size' => "Total",
'mc_fexp_frem' => "Remove",
'mc_fexp_new_click' => "Create New Folder",
'mc_fexp_ept_click' => "Empty Current Folder",
'mc_fexp_add_click' => "Import Bulk File(s)",
'mc_fexp_del_click' => "Delete Bulk File(s)",
'mc_fexp_added' => "File(s) imported!",

'mc_fld_text' => "Please only use alphanumeric characters, periods and underscore.",
'mc_fld_add_click' => "Add Folder",
'mc_fld_edit_click' => "Edit Name",
'mc_fld_del_title' => "Removing folder",
'mc_fld_del_opt' => "Dont move, just delete",
'mc_fld_del_moveto' => "Move to: ",
'mc_fld_added' => "A new folder has been created.",
'mc_fld_edited_1' => "The file was successfully renamed.",
'mc_fld_edited_2' => "The folder was successfully renamed.",
'mc_fld_removed' => "The folder was successfully removed.",
'mc_fld_emptied' => "The folder was successfully emptied.",

'mc_bulk_title' => "Bulk Upload",
'mc_bulk_note' => "<strong>Note:</strong> Use this tool only with small files or if you have a very high bandwidth, otherwise use your favourite FTP client to upload your files.<br />» Upload max filesize: <em>%s (Setting in php.ini)</em><br />» Allowed file extensions: <em>%s</em>",
'mc_bulk_mode' => "Select Mode of Transfer:",
'mc_bulk_fnote' => "(Leave blank to log on anonymously)",
'mc_bulk_fpath' => "Remote Path",
'mc_bulk_fpassive' => "Use passive mode?",
'mc_bulk_click' => "Start Upload",
'mc_bulk_uploaded' => "Upload completed!",

# Category Manager
'mc_cat_new_click' => "Add New Category",
'mc_reorderroot_click' => "Reorder Category",
'mc_reorderchild_click' => "Reorder Subcategory",
'mc_reorder_click' => "Start Reorder",

'mc_cat_nav' => "Add/Edit Category",
'mc_cat_name' => "Category Name",
'mc_cat_name_0' => "The name of the category.",
'mc_cat_desc' => "Category Description",
'mc_cat_desc_0' => "This is a short description of the category to be used on category listings.",
'mc_cat_icon' => "Category Icon",
'mc_cat_icon_0' => "The icon is a small graphic that will be displayed beside the category.<br />(Should be not larger than 60x60 in pixel)",
'mc_cat_pwd' => "Category Password",
'mc_cat_pwd_0' => "Leave this box empty if you do not require this.",
'mc_cat_parent' => "Add To Which Parent?",
'mc_cat_parent_0' => "Indicate where the new category should be placed by selecting a category from the drop-down list.",
'mc_cat_inherit' => "Inherit Parent Settings?",
'mc_cat_inherit_0' => "Enable this option to give the category the same settings as its parent category.",
'mc_cat_sub' => "Allow Posting In This Category?",
'mc_cat_sub_0' => "You may wish to set this to 'no' if you will be creating subcategories underneath this category.",
'mc_cat_no_q' => "Submissions Must Be Approved Before Being Released To Public?",
'mc_cat_fid' => "Which Forum To Create Topics For New Submissions In?",
'mc_cat_choose' => "Choose A Forum",
'mc_cat_select' => "Make Root (Category)",

'mc_cat_add_title' => "Add New Category",
'mc_cat_edit_title' => "Editing Category",
'mc_cat_add_click' => "Create Category",
'mc_cat_edit_click' => "Edit Category",
'mc_cat_del' => "Remove Category",
'mc_cat_del_title' => "Removing: %s",
'mc_cat_del_detail' => "Before we remove this category, if this category is not empty, we need to determine what to do with any files you may have left in this category.",
'mc_cat_del_cat' => "Category to remove",
'mc_cat_del_movefiles' => "Move <em>all existing files in this category</em> to which category?",
'mc_cat_del_movechild' => "Move <em>all children categories</em> to which category?",
'mc_cat_created' => "A new category has been created.",
'mc_cat_edited' => "The category was successfully edited.",
'mc_cat_ordered' => "The categories was successfully reordered.",
'mc_cat_resynced' => "The category was successfully resynchronised.",
'mc_cat_deleted' => "The category was successfully removed.",
'mc_cat_emptied' => "The category was successfully emptied.",

'mc_perm_title' => "Permissions",
'mc_perm_name' => "Name",
'mc_perm_show' => "Show",
'mc_perm_view' => "View",
'mc_perm_download' => "Download",
'mc_perm_upload' => "Upload",
'mc_perm_comment' => "Comment",
'mc_perm_text_1' => "GLOBAL: All current and future permission masks",
'mc_perm_text_2' => "OR: Adjust permissions per mask below",

# Others
'mc_request_title' => "User's Requests",
'mc_request_info' => "Full Information",
'mc_request_show_1' => "<font color='blue'>Filled</font>",
'mc_request_show_2' => "<font color='red'>Unfilled</font>",
'mc_request_click' => "Filled",
'mc_request_click_2' => "Un-Filled",
'mc_unlinked_title' => "Unlinked Files",
'mc_unlinked_click' => "Remove Missing File(s)",
'mc_report_title' => "Reported Links",
'mc_topic_nav' => "Topics Listing",
'mc_topic_id' => "Topic ID",
'mc_topic_title' => "Topic Title",
'mc_topic_title_1' => "List Of Files With Topics",
'mc_topic_title_2' => "List Of Files Without Topics",
'mc_topic_title_3' => "Broken Topic Links",
'mc_topic_show_1' => "View List With Topics",
'mc_topic_show_2' => "View List Without Topics",
'mc_topic_check' => "Check Topic Links",
'mc_topic_update' => "Update Links",
'mc_topic_create' => "Create Topics For Selected Items",
'mc_topic_created' => "Topic(s) created!",
'mc_topic_delete' => "Delete Topics",
'mc_topic_deleted' => "Topic(s) deleted!",

'mc_remove_1' => "Remove Selected",
'mc_remove_2' => "Remove All",
'mc_recount_1' => "Processed:",
'mc_recount_2' => "Rebuild completed.",
'mc_recount_3' => "processed so far, continuing...",
'mc_optimized' => "Tables optimized!",


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у кого есть?


$lang = array(
# Global
'ds_title' => "Downloads",
'ds_user' => "User Name",
'ds_name' => "File Name",
'ds_tut' => "Tutorial Name",
'ds_sub' => "Submission",
'ds_version' => "Version",
'ds_license' => "License",
'ds_cat' => "Category",
'ds_cats' => "Categories",
'ds_author' => "Author",
'ds_submitter' => "Submitter",
'ds_summary' => "Short Description",
'ds_demo' => "Demo URL",
'ds_total' => "%s %s in total",
'ds_tutorial' => "Tutorial",
'ds_tutorials' => "Tutorials",
'ds_file' => "File",
'ds_files' => "Files",
'ds_subs' => "Submissions",
'ds_size' => "Size",
'ds_views' => "Views",
'ds_downloads' => "Downloads",
'ds_date' => "Date Added",
'ds_last_date' => "Last Updated:",
'ds_vote' => "Rating",
'ds_voting' => "%s out of 5, %s total votes",
'ds_stars' => "stars",
'ds_last_sub' => "Latest Submission",
'ds_last_info' => "Last Info",
'ds_post_in' => "In",
'ds_post_by' => "Submitted by:",
'ds_post_by_2' => "Submitted by %s on %s",
'ds_post_date' => "Updated",
'ds_ip_address' => "IP Address",
'ds_number' => "No.",
'ds_status' => "Status",
'ds_status_0' => "Normal",
'ds_status_1' => "Reported",

'ds_add' => "Add",
'ds_edit' => "Edit",
'ds_del' => "Delete",
'ds_empty' => "Empty",
'ds_resync' => "Resync",
'ds_submit' => "Submit",
'ds_close' => "Close",
'ds_hide' => "Hide",
'ds_reset' => "Reset Fields",
'ds_go' => "Go",
'ds_back' => "Go Back",

'ds_del_1' => "PLEASE CONFIRM: OK to proceed with delete? This action can not be undone, and there will be no further confirmation screens.",
'ds_del_2' => "OK, action cancelled!",
'ds_msg_long' => "The text you entered was too long.",
'ds_required' => "Please fill in the required fields *",
'ds_tt_link' => "Show the link to this item",
'ds_tt_prompt' => "Manually copy the direct link to this item below to store the link in your computer\'s clipboard",
'ds_click_edit' => "Click and hold to edit title",

'browse_ab' => "Browse by Alphabet:",
'no_select' => "No select",
'no_results' => "No results to display.",
'no_subcats' => "No subcategories found.",
'not_available' => "<em>Not available</em>",
'sel_opt_no' => "No",
'sel_opt_yes' => "Yes",
'bbcode_use' => "(<a href='java script:bbc_pop();'>BBCODE Enabled</a>)",

'sort_az' => "A-Z",
'sort_za' => "Z-A",
'sort_by_size' => "Order: File Size",
'sort_by_type' => "Order: File Type",
'sort_by_status' => "Order: File Status",
'sort_by_location' => "Order: File Location",
'sort_by_name' => "Order: Title",
'sort_by_cat' => "Order: Category",
'sort_by_date' => "Order: Date Added",
'sort_by_last_date' => "Order: Last Updated",
'sort_by_poster' => "Order: Submitter",
'sort_by_views' => "Order: Views",
'sort_by_downloads' => "Order: Downloads",

'pp_15' => "15 results",
'pp_25' => "25 results",
'pp_50' => "50 results",
'pp_75' => "75 results",
'pp_100' => "100 results",

'filter_none' => "Show All",
'filter_bulk' => "Bulk Files",
'filter_normal'	=> "Normal Files",
'filter_image' => "Image Files",

# Menu & Stats
'mn_stats' => "Statistics",
'mn_nav' => "Navigation",
'mn_add_file' => "Add New File",
'mn_add_tut' => "Add New Tutorial",
'mn_request' => "Add New Request",
'mn_menu' => "'s Menu",
'mn_favs' => "Your Favorites",
'mn_requests' => "Your Requests",
'mn_files' => "Your Files",
'mn_tuts' => "Your Tutorials",
'mn_modcp' => "Management",
'mn_points' => "Total Points: %s<br />",
'mn_bw_used' => "Bandwidth Used: %s",
'mn_bw_text' => ".. of %s/month bandwidth limitation",
'qs_stats' => "Downloads Statistics",
'qs_today' => "Today Submissions",
'qs_recent' => "Most Recent Submissions",
'qs_browse' => "Browse Submissions",
'qs_text' => "We have a total of <strong>%s</strong> submissions, <strong>%s</strong> comments in <strong>%s</strong> categories.<br />A total of <strong>%s</strong> unique members have submitted to our downloads database.<br />There have been <strong>%s</strong> logged downloads to date.",
'qs_new' => "The latest submission was <strong>%s</strong>, submitted by <strong>%s</strong> on <strong>%s</strong>.",
'qs_no_new' => "There is no file added.",
'active_total' => "%s users active in the past 30 minutes.",
'active_users' => "<strong>%s</strong> bots, <strong>%s</strong> guests, <strong>%s</strong> members and <strong>%s</strong> anonymous members.",

'stats_title_0' => "Last 10 Added Submissions",
'stats_title_1' => "Last 10 Updated Submissions",
'stats_title_2' => "Top 10 Rated Submissions",
'stats_title_3' => "Top 10 Viewed Submissions",
'stats_title_4' => "Top 10 Downloaded Submissions",
'stats_title_5' => "Top 10 Submissions in Downloads A Day",
'stats_title_6' => "Top 10 Submitters",
'stats_col_5' => "Votes",
'stats_col_6' => "Downloads A Day",

# Who Voted/Downloaded
'who_title_1' => "Viewing who voted",
'who_title_2' => "Viewing who downloaded",
'who_user' => "Member",

# Post Form
'sf_nav' => "Posting Form",
'sf_edit_title' => "Editing File",
'sf_name' => "Simply give your file a name.",
'sf_cat' => "Please choose a category for this file.",
'sf_summary' => "This is a short description of your file to be used on file listings (250 characters or less).",
'sf_desc' => "Long Description",
'sf_desc_text' => "This is a detailed description of your file. It will be shown on the view file.",
'sf_version' => "Give your file a version to help track of updated. (Should be of the format: 1.0.0)",
'sf_license' => "License Information",
'sf_license_opt' => "Select a license type",
'sf_license_text' => "Choose a license that will be applied to your file.",
'sf_price' => "Price (USD):",
'sf_price_text' => "Enter a price only if your file is Free to try.",
'sf_buylink' => "Buy Now Link:",
'sf_buylink_text' => "Provide a link to an ecommerce page where users may purchase your product.",
'sf_demo' => "Provide a URL to a demo of this file in action.",
'sf_image' => "Upload Screenshot",
'sf_url_select' => "File Location:",
'sf_url_status' => "<br />Status: %s | %s | %s",
'sf_url_view' => "View Link",
'sf_url_js' => "Restore",
'sf_url' => "URL to online file",
'sf_url_mirror'	=> "<strong>Mirror Download Links:</strong><br /><div class='forumdesc'>You can have multiple links per line.</div>",
'sf_upload' => "<u>OR:</u> Upload a new file from your computer",
'sf_img_select' => "Choose an existing file",
'sf_img_del' => "Update changes and also remove the old image <a href='%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>",
'sf_limited' => "Upload max filesize: <em><u>%s</u></em><br />Allowed file extensions:<br /><em><u>%s</u></em>",
'sf_add_click' => "Add File",
'sf_edit_click' => "Edit File",
'sf_added' => "The file has been added to our database",
'sf_added_q' => ", but will have to be approved by a staff member before it appears.",
'sf_edited' => "The file was successfully edited.",

'st_edit_title' => "Editing Tutorial",
'st_title' => "Title",
'st_cat_option' => "Assign to Category",
'st_add_click' => "Add Tutorial",
'st_edit_click' => "Edit Tutorial",
'st_added' => "The tutorial has been added to our database",
'st_edited' => "The tutorial was successfully edited.",

# Request
'sr_title' => "Title",
'sr_info' => "Other Info",
'sr_by' => "Request by",
'sr_on' => "Request on",
'sr_click' => "Add Request",
'sr_posted' => "Your request has been notified.",

# File Detail
'sd_nav' => "File Overview",
'sd_files' => "%s's Files",
'sd_tuts' => "%s's Tutorials",
'sd_findsubs' => "Find this member's submissions",
'sd_findposts' => "Find this member's posts",
'sd_findtopics' => "Find this member's topics",
'sd_addcontact' => "Add to contact list",
'sd_send_pm' => "Send a personal message",
'sd_send_email' => "Send an email",
'sd_clear_rate' => "Click to clear rating",
'sd_pick' => "pick",
'sd_click' => "Click Here",
'sd_topic_link' => "<strong>Support Topic</strong>",
'sd_price' => " to buy",
'sd_buy_link' => "Buy Now",
'sd_download' => "Download Now",
'sd_download_t' => "Download tutorial",
'sd_size' => "File Size:",
'sd_type' => "File Type:",
'sd_time' => "Estimate Download Times:",
'sd_time_1' => "%sh %sm %ss ",
'sd_options' => "Options",
'sd_subscribe' => "Subscribe to this item",
'sd_addfav' => "Add to your favorites",
'sd_email' => "Email link to friend",
'sd_print' => "Print current page",
'sd_print_page' => "Printable Version",
'sd_print_link' => "Click here to view this page in its original format",
'sd_report' => "Report link as broken",
'sd_reported' => "The link has been reported as broken.",
'sd_deleted' => "File deleted!",

'sd_dl_disc' => "You have chosen to download <em>%s</em> submitted by <em>%s</em><br />You must read and agree with the following disclaimer before downloading:<br /><ul><li>The product you have selected to download is provided to you as an accomodation and without any warranties, representations or gurantees of any kind, including, without limitation the warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.</li><li>Like any product, there is a risk of data loss or damage when used improperly or in untested environments or configurations. Accordingly, you should use the product in strict accordance with its documentation and only after making a successful backup of your data.</li><li>By using the product you express assume all risk of loss associated with any data loss or damage alledged to have been caused by the product.</li></ul>",
'sd_dl_desc' => "You have chosen to download %s submitted by %s",
'sd_dl_save' => "Right click and select 'Save Target <u>A</u>s...' to download",
'sd_dl_save_1' => "If your download does not start automatically after a few seconds, please",
'sd_dl_save_2' => "click here",
'sd_dl_save_3' => " or choose a mirror from the list below:<br />",
'sd_dl_btn_1' => "I agree and download",
'sd_dl_btn_2' => "I disagree",
'sd_dl_link_1' => "Back to category",
'sd_dl_link_2' => "Back to submission",
'sd_dl_error' => "You are not allowed to download the file.",
'sd_dl_exceed' => "You have already exceeded your maximum daily downloads. Please try again tomorrow.",
'sd_dl_trans' => "You have already exceeded your monthly file transfer (%s). Please try again next month, or contact the board administrator for further help.",
'sd_dl_require' => "You need at least %s of posts a day to download the file.",
'sd_dl_points' => "You'll need to make a total %s points or more to download the file. You may contact the board administrator to find out how to increase your point.",

# Favorites
'fav_remove' => "Remove from favorites",
'fav_added' => "Saved to your favorites.",
'fav_removed' => "Removed from your favorites.",

# Send Mail
'sm_nav' => "Sending an Email",
'sm_preview' => "Preview",
'sm_form' => "Mail Form",
'sm_name' => "Recipient's Name",
'sm_email' => "Recipient's Email",
'sm_email_tip' => "Separate with comma (Ex: add@ress.com, etc.)",
'sm_subject' => "Subject",
'sm_message' => "Your Message",
'sm_send_click' => "Send Message",
'sm_view_click' => "Preview",
'sm_sent' => "Email sent!",

# Comment
'cm_comments' => "Comments",
'cm_form_text' => "Add New Comment",
'cm_title' => "Short Headline (Optinal)",
'cm_add_click' => "Post Comment",
'cm_edit_click' => "Submit Changes",
'cm_added' => "Your comment has been posted.",
'cm_edited' => "The comment was successfully edited.",
'cm_deleted' => "The comment was successfully deleted.",

# Search
'search_text' => "Enter words to search...",
'search_click' => "Go",
'search_results' => "Search Results",
'search_redirect' => "Your search has been completed, please stand by as we take you to the search results.",

# Categories
'cat_sub' => "Subcategory",
'cat_select' => "Select a Category",
'cat_select_all' => "All Categories",
'cat_jump' => "Category Jump",
'cat_inside' => "Inside:",
'cat_protected' =>	"<em>Protected Category</em>",
'cat_mod_pin' => "Pin Items",
'cat_mod_unpin' => "Unpin Items",
'cat_mod_copy' => "Copy Items",
'cat_mod_move' => "Move Items",
'cat_mod_delete' => "Delete Items",
'cat_mod_approve' => "Set Visible (Approve)",
'cat_mod_unapprove' => "Set Invisible (Unapprove)",
'cat_mod_desc' => "Click to select this item for bulk moderation",
'cat_mod_click' => "With Selected",

'cat_pwd_title' => "Please enter the category password",
'cat_pwd_desc' => "<strong>This category is protected by a password.</strong><br />You must enter the correct password to gain access to this category. Please ensure that your browser is capable of storing temporary cookies.",
'cat_pwd_input' => "Category Password",
'cat_pwd_click' => "Proceed",
'cat_pwd_ok' => "You have been authorised to access this category.",

# Management
'mc_opt_title' => "Moderation Options",
'mc_opt_main' => "Management",
'mc_opt_other' => "Maintenance",
'mc_opt_files' => "File Manager",
'mc_opt_dirs' => "Directory Manager",
'mc_opt_cats' => "Category Manager",
'mc_opt_tuts' => "Tutorial Manager",
'mc_opt_request' => "View User's Requests",
'mc_opt_queue' => "View Queued Links",
'mc_opt_report' => "View Reported Links",
'mc_opt_topic' => "View Topics Listing",
'mc_opt_unlinked' => "View Unlinked Files",
'mc_opt_rebuild' => "Rebuild Categories",
'mc_opt_rebuild_t' => "Rebuild Topics",
'mc_opt_rebuild_n' => "Rebuild User Names",
'mc_opt_rebuild_p' => "Rebuild User Points",
'mc_opt_reset_p' => "Reset User Points",
'mc_opt_cleanout' => "Remove Searches",
'mc_opt_optimize' => "Optimize Tables",
'mc_opt_desc_1' => "This will recount files, tutorials and<br />the category last information for all categories.",
'mc_opt_desc_2' => "This will rebuild the post content<br />including BBCode and emoticons.",
'mc_opt_desc_3' => "This will reset the saved usernames<br />in file details, tutorials, comments, etc.<br />Useful if you've recently converted<br />or manually changed member's names.",
'mc_opt_desc_4' => "This will recount members points<br />based on their topics from the database.",
'mc_opt_desc_5' => "This will reset members points to 0.",
'mc_opt_desc_6' => "This will remove all recent searches<br />from the database.",
'mc_opt_desc_7' => "This will defragment MySQL's data files<br />for downloads script tables and reclaim<br />lost space. It is not necessary to optimize<br />tables that are showing no overhead.",

# File Manager
'mc_file_date' => "Date Modified",
'mc_status_normal' => "<font color='blue'>Normal</font>",
'mc_status_pending' => "<font color='#FF9900'>Pending</font>",
'mc_status_broken' => "<font color='red'>Broken</font>",
'mc_allbox' => "Select or un-select items",
'mc_check_click' => "Check Link(s)",
'mc_approve_click' => "Approve",
'mc_decline_click' => "Unapprove",
'mc_delete_click' => "Delete",
'mc_move_click' => "Move",
'mc_copy_click' => "Copy",
'mc_checked' => "Link(s) updated!",
'mc_approved' => "Succesfully approved!",
'mc_unapproved' => "Successfully unapproved!",
'mc_pinned' => "Succesfully pinned!",
'mc_unpinned' => "Successfully unpinned!",
'mc_moved' => "Successfully moved to the selected category!",
'mc_copied' => "Successfully copied to the selected category!",

# Directory Manager
'mc_fexp_nav' => "Contents of",
'mc_fexp_updir' => "Up One Level",
'mc_fexp_cat' => "To which category?",
'mc_fexp_path' => "Path to upload:",
'mc_fexp_path_text' => "Click any folder in the current folder to change upload path.",
'mc_fexp_file' => "File",
'mc_fexp_dir' => "Folder",
'mc_fexp_name' => "File/Folder Name",
'mc_fexp_perms' => "Perms",
'mc_fexp_size' => "Total",
'mc_fexp_frem' => "Remove",
'mc_fexp_new_click' => "Create New Folder",
'mc_fexp_ept_click' => "Empty Current Folder",
'mc_fexp_add_click' => "Import Bulk File(s)",
'mc_fexp_del_click' => "Delete Bulk File(s)",
'mc_fexp_added' => "File(s) imported!",

'mc_fld_text' => "Please only use alphanumeric characters, periods and underscore.",
'mc_fld_add_click' => "Add Folder",
'mc_fld_edit_click' => "Edit Name",
'mc_fld_del_title' => "Removing folder",
'mc_fld_del_opt' => "Dont move, just delete",
'mc_fld_del_moveto' => "Move to: ",
'mc_fld_added' => "A new folder has been created.",
'mc_fld_edited_1' => "The file was successfully renamed.",
'mc_fld_edited_2' => "The folder was successfully renamed.",
'mc_fld_removed' => "The folder was successfully removed.",
'mc_fld_emptied' => "The folder was successfully emptied.",

'mc_bulk_title' => "Bulk Upload",
'mc_bulk_note' => "<strong>Note:</strong> Use this tool only with small files or if you have a very high bandwidth, otherwise use your favourite FTP client to upload your files.<br />» Upload max filesize: <em>%s (Setting in php.ini)</em><br />» Allowed file extensions: <em>%s</em>",
'mc_bulk_mode' => "Select Mode of Transfer:",
'mc_bulk_fnote' => "(Leave blank to log on anonymously)",
'mc_bulk_fpath' => "Remote Path",
'mc_bulk_fpassive' => "Use passive mode?",
'mc_bulk_click' => "Start Upload",
'mc_bulk_uploaded' => "Upload completed!",

# Category Manager
'mc_cat_new_click' => "Add New Category",
'mc_reorderroot_click' => "Reorder Category",
'mc_reorderchild_click' => "Reorder Subcategory",
'mc_reorder_click' => "Start Reorder",

'mc_cat_nav' => "Add/Edit Category",
'mc_cat_name' => "Category Name",
'mc_cat_name_0' => "The name of the category.",
'mc_cat_desc' => "Category Description",
'mc_cat_desc_0' => "This is a short description of the category to be used on category listings.",
'mc_cat_icon' => "Category Icon",
'mc_cat_icon_0' => "The icon is a small graphic that will be displayed beside the category.<br />(Should be not larger than 60x60 in pixel)",
'mc_cat_pwd' => "Category Password",
'mc_cat_pwd_0' => "Leave this box empty if you do not require this.",
'mc_cat_parent' => "Add To Which Parent?",
'mc_cat_parent_0' => "Indicate where the new category should be placed by selecting a category from the drop-down list.",
'mc_cat_inherit' => "Inherit Parent Settings?",
'mc_cat_inherit_0' => "Enable this option to give the category the same settings as its parent category.",
'mc_cat_sub' => "Allow Posting In This Category?",
'mc_cat_sub_0' => "You may wish to set this to 'no' if you will be creating subcategories underneath this category.",
'mc_cat_no_q' => "Submissions Must Be Approved Before Being Released To Public?",
'mc_cat_fid' => "Which Forum To Create Topics For New Submissions In?",
'mc_cat_choose' => "Choose A Forum",
'mc_cat_select' => "Make Root (Category)",

'mc_cat_add_title' => "Add New Category",
'mc_cat_edit_title' => "Editing Category",
'mc_cat_add_click' => "Create Category",
'mc_cat_edit_click' => "Edit Category",
'mc_cat_del' => "Remove Category",
'mc_cat_del_title' => "Removing: %s",
'mc_cat_del_detail' => "Before we remove this category, if this category is not empty, we need to determine what to do with any files you may have left in this category.",
'mc_cat_del_cat' => "Category to remove",
'mc_cat_del_movefiles' => "Move <em>all existing files in this category</em> to which category?",
'mc_cat_del_movechild' => "Move <em>all children categories</em> to which category?",
'mc_cat_created' => "A new category has been created.",
'mc_cat_edited' => "The category was successfully edited.",
'mc_cat_ordered' => "The categories was successfully reordered.",
'mc_cat_resynced' => "The category was successfully resynchronised.",
'mc_cat_deleted' => "The category was successfully removed.",
'mc_cat_emptied' => "The category was successfully emptied.",

'mc_perm_title' => "Permissions",
'mc_perm_name' => "Name",
'mc_perm_show' => "Show",
'mc_perm_view' => "View",
'mc_perm_download' => "Download",
'mc_perm_upload' => "Upload",
'mc_perm_comment' => "Comment",
'mc_perm_text_1' => "GLOBAL: All current and future permission masks",
'mc_perm_text_2' => "OR: Adjust permissions per mask below",

# Others
'mc_request_title' => "User's Requests",
'mc_request_info' => "Full Information",
'mc_request_show_1' => "<font color='blue'>Filled</font>",
'mc_request_show_2' => "<font color='red'>Unfilled</font>",
'mc_request_click' => "Filled",
'mc_request_click_2' => "Un-Filled",
'mc_unlinked_title' => "Unlinked Files",
'mc_unlinked_click' => "Remove Missing File(s)",
'mc_report_title' => "Reported Links",
'mc_topic_nav' => "Topics Listing",
'mc_topic_id' => "Topic ID",
'mc_topic_title' => "Topic Title",
'mc_topic_title_1' => "List Of Files With Topics",
'mc_topic_title_2' => "List Of Files Without Topics",
'mc_topic_title_3' => "Broken Topic Links",
'mc_topic_show_1' => "View List With Topics",
'mc_topic_show_2' => "View List Without Topics",
'mc_topic_check' => "Check Topic Links",
'mc_topic_update' => "Update Links",
'mc_topic_create' => "Create Topics For Selected Items",
'mc_topic_created' => "Topic(s) created!",
'mc_topic_delete' => "Delete Topics",
'mc_topic_deleted' => "Topic(s) deleted!",

'mc_remove_1' => "Remove Selected",
'mc_remove_2' => "Remove All",
'mc_recount_1' => "Processed:",
'mc_recount_2' => "Rebuild completed.",
'mc_recount_3' => "processed so far, continuing...",
'mc_optimized' => "Tables optimized!",


тут можно и самому перевести ни чего трудного...

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Fllik, если еще нужен пиши в PM :D Видимо проще было указать имя файла,а не копировать содержимое? Изменено пользователем Sergei74
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Тоже могу поделиться - переводил сам.

Посмотреть можно здесь ФА проекта о сотовых телефонах

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