Alex_Guru_2004 Опубликовано 13 Апреля 2004 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 13 Апреля 2004 Когда захожу в "Участники"Список естьЖму на участника и выдает следующее " Parse error: parse error in /....../forums/sources/Profile.php on line 526" В php почти вообще не разбираюсь. Что там надо изменить. Подскажите. Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Прочее
0 Fastserg Опубликовано 13 Апреля 2004 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 13 Апреля 2004 Покажи что в 500-540 строчках или выложи файл sources/Profile.php Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Прочее
0 Alex_Guru_2004 Опубликовано 14 Апреля 2004 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 14 Апреля 2004 Хорошо $idx = new Profile; class Profile { var $output = ""; var $page_title = ""; var $nav = array(); var $html = ""; var $parser; var $member = array(); var $m_group = array(); var $jump_html = ""; var $parser = ""; var $links = array(); var $bio = ""; var $notes = ""; var $size = "m"; var $show_photo = ""; var $show_width = ""; var $show_height = ""; var $show_name = ""; var $photo_member = ""; var $has_photo = FALSE; var $lib; function Profile() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $print; require "./sources/lib/post_parser.php"; $this->parser = new post_parser(); //-------------------------------------------- // Require the HTML and language modules //-------------------------------------------- $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, 'lang_profile' , $ibforums->lang_id ); $this->html = $std->load_template('skin_profile'); $this->base_url = $ibforums->base_url; $this->base_url_nosess = "{$ibforums->vars['board_url']}/index.{$ibforums->vars['php_ext']}"; //-------------------------------------------- // Check viewing permissions, etc //-------------------------------------------- $this->member = $ibforums->member; $this->m_group = $ibforums->member; //-------------------------------------------- // What to do? //-------------------------------------------- switch($ibforums->input['CODE']) { case '03': $this->view_profile(); break; case 'showphoto': $this->show_photo(); break; case 'showcard': $this->show_card(); //------------------------------ default: $this->view_profile(); break; } // If we have any HTML to print, do so... $print->add_output("$this->output"); $print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $this->page_title, 'JS' => 1, NAV => $this->nav ) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // VIEW CONTACT CARD: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function show_card() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $print; $info = array(); if ($ibforums->member['g_mem_info'] != 1) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_permission' ) ); } //-------------------------------------------- // Check input.. //-------------------------------------------- $id = intval($ibforums->input['MID']); if ( empty($id) ) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'incorrect_use' ) ); } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_members WHERE id=$id"); $member = $DB->fetch_row(); $member['password'] = ''; $info['aim_name'] = $member['aim_name'] ? $member['aim_name'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['icq_number'] = $member['icq_number'] ? $member['icq_number'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['yahoo'] = $member['yahoo'] ? $member['yahoo'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['location'] = $member['location'] ? $member['location'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['interests'] = $member['interests'] ? $member['interests'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['msn_name'] = $member['msnname'] ? $member['msnname'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['integ_msg'] = $member['integ_msg'] ? $member['integ_msg'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['mid'] = $member['id']; if (!$member['hide_email']) { $info['email'] = "<a href='java script:redirect_to(\"&act=Mail&CODE=00&MID={$member['id']}\",1);'>{$ibforums->lang['click_here']}</a>"; } else { $info['email'] = $ibforums->lang['private']; } $this->load_photo($id); if ( $this->has_photo == TRUE ) { $photo = $this->html->get_photo( $this->show_photo, $this->show_width, $this->show_height ); } else { $photo = "<{NO_PHOTO}>"; } if ($ibforums->input['download'] == 1) { $photo = str_replace( "<{NO_PHOTO}>", "No Photo Available", $photo ); $html = $this->html->show_card_download( $member['name'], $photo, $info ); @flush(); @header("Content-type: unknown/unknown"); @header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$member['name']}.html"); print $html; exit(); } else { $html = $this->html->show_card( $member['name'], $photo, $info ); $print->pop_up_window( $ibforums->lang['photo_title'], $html ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // VIEW PHOTO: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function show_photo() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $print; $info = array(); if ($ibforums->member['g_mem_info'] != 1) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_permission' ) ); } //-------------------------------------------- // Check input.. //-------------------------------------------- $id = intval($ibforums->input['MID']); if ( empty($id) ) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'incorrect_use' ) ); } $this->load_photo($id); if ( $this->has_photo == TRUE ) { $photo = $this->html->get_photo( $this->show_photo, $this->show_width, $this->show_height ); } else { $photo = "<{NO_PHOTO}>"; } $html = $this->html->show_photo( $this->photo_member['name'], $photo ); $print->pop_up_window( $ibforums->lang['photo_title'], $html ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC: RETURN PHOTO // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function load_photo($id) { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $print; $this->show_photo = ""; $this->show_height = ""; $this->show_width = ""; $DB->query("SELECT,, me.photo_type, me.photo_location, me.photo_dimensions FROM ibf_member_extra me LEFT JOIN ibf_members m ON WHERE$id"); $this->photo_member = $DB->fetch_row(); if ( $this->photo_member['photo_type'] and $this->photo_member['photo_location'] ) { $this->has_photo = TRUE; list( $show_width, $show_height ) = explode( ",", $this->photo_member['photo_dimensions'] ); if ($this->photo_member['photo_type'] == 'url') { $this->show_photo = $this->photo_member['photo_location']; } else { $this->show_photo = $ibforums->vars['upload_url']."/".$this->photo_member['photo_location']; } if ( $show_width > 0 ) { $this->show_width = "width='$show_width'"; } if ( $show_height > 0 ) { $this->show_height = "height='$show_height'"; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // VIEW MAIN PROFILE: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function view_profile() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $print, $INFO; $info = array(); if ($ibforums->member['g_mem_info'] != 1) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_permission' ) ); } //-------------------------------------------- // Check input.. //-------------------------------------------- $id = intval($ibforums->input['MID']); if ( empty($id) ) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'incorrect_use' ) ); } //-------------------------------------------- // Prepare Query... //-------------------------------------------- $DB->query("SELECT m.*, g.g_id, g.g_title as group_title FROM ibf_members m, ibf_groups g WHERE'$id' and m.mgroup=g.g_id"); $member = $DB->fetch_row(); if (empty($member['id'])) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'incorrect_use' ) ); } // Play it safe $member['password'] = ""; //-------------------------------------------- // Find the most posted in forum that the viewing // member has access to by this members profile //-------------------------------------------- $DB->query("SELECT id, read_perms FROM ibf_forums"); $forum_ids = array('0'); while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row() ) { if ( $std->check_perms($r['read_perms']) == TRUE ) { $forum_ids[] = $r['id']; } } $forum_id_str = implode( ",", $forum_ids ); $percent = 0; $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT(p.forum_id),, COUNT(p.author_id) as f_posts FROM ibf_posts p, ibf_forums f ". "WHERE p.forum_id IN ($forum_id_str) AND p.author_id='".$member['id']."' AND GROUP BY p.forum_id ORDER BY f_posts DESC"); $favourite = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(pid) as total_posts FROM ibf_posts WHERE author_id='".$member['id']."'"); $total_posts = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("SELECT TOTAL_TOPICS, TOTAL_REPLIES FROM ibf_stats"); $stats = $DB->fetch_row(); $board_posts = $stats['TOTAL_TOPICS'] + $stats['TOTAL_REPLIES']; if ($total_posts['total_posts'] > 0) { $percent = round( $favourite['f_posts'] / $total_posts['total_posts'] * 100 ); } if ($member['posts'] and $board_posts) { $info['posts_day'] = round( $member['posts'] / (((time() - $member['joined']) / 86400)), 1); $info['total_pct'] = sprintf( '%.2f', ( $member['posts'] / $board_posts * 100 ) ); } if ($info['posts_day'] > $member['posts']) { $info['posts_day'] = $member['posts']; } $info['posts'] = $member['posts'] ? $member['posts'] : 0; $info['name'] = $member['name']; $info['mid'] = $member['id']; $info['fav_forum'] = $favourite['name']; $info['fav_id'] = $favourite['forum_id']; $info['fav_posts'] = $favourite['f_posts']; $info['percent'] = $percent; $info['group_title'] = $member['group_title']; $info['board_posts'] = $board_posts; $info['joined'] = $std->get_date( $member['joined'], 'JOINED' ); $info['member_title'] = $member['title'] ? $member['title'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['aim_name'] = $member['aim_name'] ? $member['aim_name'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['icq_number'] = $member['icq_number'] ? $member['icq_number'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['yahoo'] = $member['yahoo'] ? $member['yahoo'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['location'] = $member['location'] ? $member['location'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['interests'] = $member['interests'] ? $member['interests'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['msn_name'] = $member['msnname'] ? $member['msnname'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['integ_msg'] = $member['integ_msg'] ? $member['integ_msg'] : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $ibforums->vars['time_adjust'] = $ibforums->vars['time_adjust'] == "" ? 0 : $ibforums->vars['time_adjust']; if ($member['dst_in_use'] == 1) { $member['time_offset'] += 1; } // This is a useless comment. Completely void of any useful information $info['local_time'] = $member['time_offset'] != "" ? gmdate( $ibforums->vars['clock_long'], time() + ($member['time_offset']*3600) + ($ibforums->vars['time_adjust'] * 60) ) : $ibforums->lang['no_info']; $info['avatar'] = $std->get_avatar( $member['avatar'] , 1, $member['avatar_size'] ); $info['signature'] = $member['signature']; if ( $ibforums->vars['sig_allow_html'] == 1 ) { $info['signature'] = $this->parser->parse_html($info['signature'], 0); } if ( $member['website'] and preg_match( "/^http:\/\/\S+$/", $member['website'] ) ) { $info['homepage'] = "<a href='{$member['website']}' target='_blank'>{$member['website']}</a>"; } else { $info['homepage'] = $ibforums->lang['no_info']; } if ($member['bday_month']) { $info['birthday'] = $member['bday_day']." ".$ibforums->lang[ 'M_'.$member['bday_month'] ]." ".$member['bday_year']; } else { $info['birthday'] = $ibforums->lang['no_info']; } if (!$member['hide_email']) { $info['email'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}act=Mail&CODE=00&MID={$member['id']}'>{$ibforums->lang['click_here']}</a>"; } else { $info['email'] = $ibforums->lang['private']; } //--------------------------------------------------- // Get photo and show profile: //--------------------------------------------------- $this->load_photo($id); if ( $this->has_photo == TRUE ) { $info['photo'] = $this->html->get_photo( $this->show_photo, $this->show_width, $this->show_height ); } else { $info['photo'] = ""; } $info['base_url'] = $this->base_url; $info['posts'] = $std->do_number_format($info['posts']); $count = 1;$DB->query("SELECT id, read_perms FROM ibf_forums");while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { if ( $std->check_perms($row['read_perms']) == TRUE ) { if($count == 1) { $forums .= $row[id]; $count = 2; } else { $forums .= "," . $row[id]; } }} if(!isset($INFO[latest_amount])) $INFO[latest_amount] = 5; $DB->query("SELECT,, t.tid, t.title,, FROM ibf_posts AS p LEFT JOIN ibf_topics AS t ON (p.topic_id=t.tid) LEFT JOIN ibf_forums AS f ON( WHERE author_id=".$member['id']." AND IN ($forums) ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT 0,".$INFO[latest_amount]); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $info['last_five'] .= "<tr><td class='darkrow2'>$row[name] [ <a href={$info['base_url']}showtopic=$row[tid]&view=findpost&p=$row[pid]>$row[title]</a> ]</td></tr>"; if($INFO['latest_show']) $info['last_five'] .= "<tr><td class='row1'>$row</td></tr>";} //--------------------------------------------------- // Output //--------------------------------------------------- $this->output .= $this->html->show_profile( $info ); //--------------------------------------------------- // Is this our profile? //--------------------------------------------------- if ($member['id'] == $this->member['id']) { $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--MEM OPTIONS-->/e", "\$this->html->user_edit(\$info)", $this->output ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // Can mods see the hidden parts of this profile? //--------------------------------------------------- $query_extra = 'WHERE fedit=1 AND fhide <> 1'; $custom_out = ""; $field_data Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Прочее
0 Alex_Guru_2004 Опубликовано 14 Апреля 2004 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 14 Апреля 2004 Подскажите пожалуйста Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах Прочее
Когда захожу в "Участники"
Список есть
Жму на участника и выдает следующее
" Parse error: parse error in /....../forums/sources/Profile.php on line 526"
В php почти вообще не разбираюсь. Что там надо изменить.
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