Помогите пожалуйста, просмотрел лог ошибок, а там каждые 10 секунд она и та же ошибка:
PHP Warning: eregi() [<a href='function.eregi'>function.eregi</a>]: REG_EMPTY in /var/www/vhosts/httpdocs/forum/sources/action_public/topics.php on line 829
В topics.php в 829 строке:
if (eregi($this->ipsclass->member['members_display_name'], $row['post']))
А тут полнее:
function parse_row( $row = array() )
$poster = array();
// Cache member
if ($row['author_id'] != 0)
// Is it in the hash?
if ( isset($this->cached_members[ $row['author_id'] ]) )
// Ok, it's already cached, read from it
$poster = $this->cached_members[ $row['author_id'] ];
$row['name_css'] = 'normalname';
$row['name_css'] = 'normalname';
$poster = $this->parse_member( $row );
// Add it to the cached list
$this->cached_members[ $row['author_id'] ] = $poster;
$poster['reputation_minus'] = str_replace("{PID}", $row['pid'], $poster['reputation_minus']);
$poster['reputation_add'] = str_replace("{PID}", $row['pid'], $poster['reputation_add']);
// It's definitely a guest...
$poster = $this->ipsclass->set_up_guest( $row['author_name'] );
$poster['members_display_name'] = $row['author_name'];
$row['name_css'] = 'unreg';
if ( $row['queued'] or ($this->topic['topic_firstpost'] == $row['pid'] and $this->topic['approved'] != 1) )
$row['post_css'] = $this->post_count % 2 ? 'post1shaded' : 'post2shaded';
$row['altrow'] = 'row4shaded';
СТРОКА 829 if (eregi($this->ipsclass->member['members_display_name'], $row['post']))
$row['post_css'] = 'post3';
$row['post_css'] = $this->post_count % 2 ? 'post1' : 'post2';
$row['altrow'] = 'row4';
if ( ($row['append_edit'] == 1) and ($row['edit_time'] != "") and ($row['edit_name'] != "") )
$e_time = $this->ipsclass->get_date( $row['edit_time'] , 'LONG' );
$row['post'] .= "<br /><br /><span class='edit'>".sprintf($this->ipsclass->lang['edited_by'], $row['edit_name'], $e_time)."</span>";
if (!$this->ipsclass->member['view_img'])
// unconvert smilies first, or it looks a bit crap.
$row['post'] = preg_replace( "#<!--emo&(.+?)-->.+?<!--endemo-->#", "\\1" , $row['post'] );
$row['post'] = preg_replace( "/<img src=[\"'](.+?)[\"'].+?".">/", "(IMG:<a href='\\1' target='_blank'>\\1</a>)", $row['post'] );
// Highlight...
if ($this->ipsclass->input['hl'])
$this->ipsclass->input['hl'] = $this->ipsclass->parse_clean_value(urldecode($this->ipsclass->input['hl']));
$loosematch = strstr( $this->ipsclass->input['hl'], '*' ) ? 1 : 0;
$keywords = str_replace( '*', '', str_replace( "+", " ", str_replace( '-', '', trim($this->ipsclass->input['hl']) ) ) );
$word_array = array();
$endmatch1 = "";
# Added '?' to mean 'or not'. Another bug spotted by TheWalrus. :D
$endmatch2 = "(.)?";
if ( preg_match("/,(and|or),/i", $keywords) )
while ( preg_match("/,(and|or),/i", $keywords, $match) )
$word_array = explode( ",".$match[1].",", $keywords );
$keywords = str_replace( $match[0], '' ,$keywords );
else if ( strstr( $keywords, ' ' ) )
$word_array = explode( ' ', str_replace( ' ', ' ', $keywords ) );
$word_array[] = $keywords;
if ( ! $loosematch )
$endmatch1 = "(\s|,|\.|!|<br|&|$)";
$endmatch2 = "(\<|\s|,|\.|!|<br|&|$)";
if (is_array($word_array))
foreach ($word_array as $keywords)
while( preg_match( "/(^|\s|;)(".preg_quote($keywords, '/')."){$endmatch1}/i", $row['post'] ) )
$row['post'] = preg_replace( "/(^|\s|;|\>)(".preg_quote($keywords, '/')."){$endmatch2}/is", "\\1<span class='searchlite'>\\2</span>\\3", $row['post'] );
// Online, offline?
if ( $row['author_id'] )
$time_limit = time() - $this->ipsclass->vars['au_cutoff'] * 60;
$poster['online_status_indicator'] = '<{PB_USER_OFFLINE}>';
list( $be_anon, $loggedin ) = explode( '&', $row['login_anonymous'] );
if ( ( $row['last_visit'] > $time_limit or $row['last_activity'] > $time_limit ) AND $be_anon != 1 AND $loggedin == 1 )
$poster['online_status_indicator'] = '<{PB_USER_ONLINE}>';
$poster['online_status_indicator'] = '';
// Multi Quoting?
$row['mq_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->mq_image_add($row['pid']);
if ( $this->qpids )
if ( strstr( ','.$this->qpids.',', ','.$row['pid'].',' ) )
$row['mq_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->mq_image_remove($row['pid']);
// Multi PIDS?
if ( $this->ipsclass->member['is_mod'] )
$row['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->pid_image_unselected($row['pid']);
if ( $this->ipsclass->input['selectedpids'] )
if ( strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->input['selectedpids'].',', ','.$row['pid'].',' ) )
$row['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->pid_image_selected($row['pid']);
$this->ipsclass->input['selectedpidcount'] = count( explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->input['selectedpids'] ) );
// Delete button..
if ( $row['pid'] != $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )
$row['delete_button'] = $this->delete_button($row['pid'], $poster);
/*/ -- Thanks (by AVol) - Begin -- /*/
if ($this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_mod_enable'])
$member_thanks = explode(',',$row['post_thanks']);
if ( ( in_array($this->topic['forum_id'], explode(',',$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_forums'])) or (!$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_forum_lim']) )
and ( in_array($this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'], explode(',',$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_from_groups'])) or (!$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_from_grp_lim']) )
and ( in_array($poster['mgroup'], explode(',',$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_to_groups'])) or (!$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_to_grp_lim']) )
and ($this->ipsclass->member['id']) )
if ( (!in_array($this->ipsclass->member['id'],$member_thanks)) and ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $row['author_id']) )
$row['thanks_button'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->button_thanks($row['pid'] );
if ( ( in_array($this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'], explode(',',$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_view_groups'])) or (!$this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_view_grp_lim']) )
and ( (count($member_thanks) > 0) && ($member_thanks[0] != "") ) )
$in_thanks = (count($member_thanks)==2) ? $row['post_thanks'] : implode(',',$member_thanks);
$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => '`id`, `members_display_name`', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => '`id` IN (' . $in_thanks . ')', 'order' => '`members_display_name` ASC') );
while($who_thanks = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row())
$show_thanks .= "<a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showuser={$who_thanks['id']}' target='_blank'>" . $who_thanks['members_display_name'] . "</a>" . ', ';
$row['who_thanks'] = "<br /><br /><div class=\"thin\"><I>{$this->ipsclass->lang['thx_thanks_told']}:</I><div class=\"signature\">" . $show_thanks . "</div></div>";
/*/ -- Thanks (by AVol) - End -- /*/
$row['edit_button'] = $this->edit_button($row['pid'], $poster, $row['post_date']);
$row['post_date'] = $this->ipsclass->get_date( $row['post_date'], 'LONG' );
$row['post_icon'] = $row['icon_id']
? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->post_icon( $row['icon_id'] )
: "";
$row['ip_address'] = $this->view_ip($row, $poster);
$row['report_link'] = (($this->ipsclass->vars['disable_reportpost'] != 1) and ( $this->ipsclass->member['id'] ))
? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->report_link($row)
: "";
// Siggie stuff
$row['signature'] = "";
if ($poster['signature'] and $this->ipsclass->member['view_sigs'])
if ($row['use_sig'] == 1)
$this->parser->parse_html = intval($this->ipsclass->vars['sig_allow_html']);
$this->parser->parse_nl2br = 1;
$row['signature'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_global']->signature_separator( $this->parser->pre_display_parse($poster['signature']) );
// Fix up the membername so it links to the members profile
//AJAX +Quote by Sannis
$quick_quote_name = str_replace( array(" ", "'"), array(" ", "\'"), $poster['members_display_name'] );
$row['quick_quote_link'] = "<a href=\"java script:ajax_quick_quote('{$quick_quote_name}', '{$row['post_date']}', '{$row['pid']}');\">Быстрая цитата</a>";
//AJAX +Quote by Sannis
if ( $poster['id'] )
//$poster['members_display_name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$poster['id']}'>{$poster['members_display_name']}</a>";
$poster['members_display_name'] = "<a href=\"java script:Show('qr_open','qr_closed');java script:ins('".str_replace( array(" ", "'"),array(" ", "'"),
$poster['members_display_name'] )."');java script:MySetFocus(REPLIER.fastreplyarea)\">{$this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $poster['mgroup'] ]['prefix']}{$poster['members_display_name']}{$ibforums->cache['group_cache'][ $poster['mgroup'] ]['suffix']}</a>";
// Parse HTML tag on the fly
$this->parser->parse_html = ( $this->forum['use_html'] and $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $poster['mgroup'] ]['g_dohtml'] and $row['post_htmlstate'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$this->parser->parse_nl2br = $row['post_htmlstate'] == 2 ? 1 : 0;
$row['post'] = $this->parser->pre_display_parse( $row['post'] );
if ($this->topic['topic_firstpost'] == $row['pid'] && $row['topic_move_note'])
$row['post'] .= $row['topic_move_note'];
// A bit hackish - but there are lots of <br> => <br /> changes to make
//$row['post'] = str_replace( "<br>", "<br />", $row['post'] );
//$row['signature'] = str_replace( "<br>", "<br />", $row['signature'] );
// Post number
if ( $this->topic_view_mode == 'linearplus' and $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] == $row['pid'])
$row['post_count'] = 1;
if ( ! $this->first )
$row['post_count_link'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']) + $this->post_count + 1;
$row['post_count'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']) + $this->post_count;
$row['post_count_link'] = $row['post_count'] + 1;
$row['forum_id'] = $this->topic['forum_id'];
return array( 'row' => $row, 'poster' => $poster );
странно, вроде заключил в спойлер, но он все равно растянулся во весь текст ((
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Помогите пожалуйста, просмотрел лог ошибок, а там каждые 10 секунд она и та же ошибка:
В topics.php в 829 строке:
А тут полнее:
странно, вроде заключил в спойлер, но он все равно растянулся во весь текст ((
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