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IRONSIGHT is a light theme for Invision Community 4.5 with basic white / grey colors and a nice layout. It's free and comes without any brandings or visible copyrights.

You can see a LIVE DEMO on our site at InvisionFocus.de (select Ironsight in the footer). Tested with Forums, Pages and Downloads.

This is no multipurpose themeframework and comes - believe it or not - without any additional template changes, only custom CSS and build in IPS 4.5 theme settings.

Although it's not equipped with millions of additional AdminCP settings, it is customizable in many ways. As far as possible the default settings are used and for advanced customization we have a support thread in english language too.

This work is fan art inspired by Project: Ironsight, a next-gen military first person shooter by WipleGames, which is free too and availiable on Steam.

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